Dec 24, 2007

CHRIST-mas, Birthday and Church play

Sam has more candy at least he is sharing with Joseph.
Help with a necklace.
Spinning a top.

Duck Curry is every ones favorite birthday meal.
Chan Chow plays Joseph.
Channee plays the King.
Come and register for the census.

Joseph and Marry with 3 wise men.
They get to do their harvest dance.
Birthday cake shaped like Angkor Wat.
Sam gets his Birthday gift from his cousin.
Ly, Yong, Jon, On and Channee celebrate their birthday this quarter.

Weed whacks the pinata.
Hua has his turn.
Jon is next.
Christmas went really well I would say.
I went out the day before and topped one of our eucalyptus trees marked for removal.
We built a little frame for it to stand up and trimmed it to give it some kind of shape.
We blew up balloons with candy in side them to make like Christmas balls. We also made the tinfoil candy wraps again. It was real fun looking with sparkle and color.
The night before we set it all up after the children where a sleep.
So at 5 am we could hear them at the glass of the locked dinning room door talking and giggling. It was real tough for them to wait, they had to feed the animals and clean up first. At 6 am they where ready all sitting in a circle. Our 3 little ones received theirs first and in no order after that.
Each present was a new outfit and accessories, with a small toy or game. Each child ran a little more than five dollars.
The children where so giddy the night before. Some where saying they where nervous because they did not know what to expect. The children from last year told them do not worry you will like it. There where lots of cute things being said amongst the children.
So after that they eat and ran to church. Some of our children where in the nativity play and all our young ones preformed their harvest dance which was good timing because the harvest is in mid-swing.
After that we played some games and started the birthday parties for a couple of the children. We played bingo, and had a pinata.
For lunch they eat their favorite duck curry and eat cake. Their was much excitement to be had, they where so wired from sweets they made it all the way through until evening.
We have letters coming with us when we come. And they are wonderful, these are the best letters yet. They have been keeping a dairy to help their writing skills and it looks like it is working.
I hope you all enjoy you Christ-mas as we have.

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