Things have been wonderful, on and off it is hot, but I do not mind so much. Ream is the one with the extra insulation with being pregnant so she is hot all the time.
The building is moving right along. I'll let Randy update you on that.
I have been painting beds for a while and still getting things together. We are trying to use our cell phone and a generator to update and email from the village.
I am having many new experiences mostly with animals and insects.
I learned to throw a fishing net today. I also saw a piece of gold today so shiny, like a piece of jewelry, but when I went to pick it up it flew away. It was like a bright gold lady bug.
We experienced the termite breeding last night. Millions were flying everywhere. Funny enough, I had just bought an electric fly swatter so I went to work popping bugs everywhere. I also went and rounded up some toads and geckos to eat the termites. Amy and Kim where quite amused at my efforts.
Some of the toads spit poison and some of them have bright yellow stripes down the sides.
The recent rains brought out a large 3 inch field crabs they looked like they where from the ocean and frogs came out of the wet mud. It is funny how much a rice field can produce.
There are so many new bugs and plants I really have to rely on the people for their knowledge of what is good and what is bad.
We where happy to see the woman we prayed for last year. She had breast cancer and was healed. We found out after we had gotten home that she was healed and we had not seen her since, so when she saw us again the other day she was so happy and healthy.
After work the other day there was a woman who had been moving the dirt for the cement they where mixing for the building. Her little boy had been playing naked in the sand most of the day. She said he was one and a half. You could see the hunger in his face, sunken eyes and the shape of his bones. I was on my way back to the house thinking I would get Ream and put together a care package for him. Half way home I passed Ream going to give him a package.
It was awesome that Ream and I had the same idea was able to bless her and her son.
Today 5-13-06
Amy and Kim did their last clinic before returning to the city for the weekend. I was told it went well. Amy and Kim where waiting for the bus to come when Ream's father told us. One of the ladies who was on her way to the clinic was injured in a moto bike accident. Someone had run into her and she had to have stitches on her forehead, and she was seven months pregnant.
It was a wonderful experience. With Sokun and Kim on one moto and Amy and I on the second moto, we rode out to see her. We slowed to a stop at what is a little store which was really a lean-to that had some things hanging from the roof. The girls saw us pull up and they were so shy. I think high school age or so and very pretty, but in their shyness they quickly scooted to the back of the lean-to. The girls were poking their heads out and smiling but quickly covered their smiles and would retreat back into the lean-to. It was really cute. Their mom stepped out to talk with us and gave us the right path to take in order to find the lady's house.
A couple of minutes later and we had made it. Under the house quickly became a bustle with people moving to see the white people coming. I think it made the lady feel so special that we would chase her down and help her. And funny enough, four or five of the people knew I was Ream's husband. Word that I am hear travels fast and far. It makes me feel special that people are happy that I am here. I know that with the respect that I am receiving from this village I must be wise with what I do and say.
Anyways, the baby was just fine and mom was sore but will be fine. We just prayed that this would not send her into early labor.
You know seeing Ream's father work is just amazing. As Pastor Pat said, he has so much going on in his life with so many churches and cell churches. He is doing conferences for youth and other NGO's and pastors, and at the same time finds a moment to help us build this project. He is not in the front where he gets noticed and sometimes the work he does for us gets overlooked. I would just like to tell people to remember him and all he does in your prayers. If it was not for this man willing to be used, I do not think we would be working here. He has been so vital in what we are doing. Every day, two or three times a day, he is out there checking on the building. He buys everything and approves everything. He has much invested in this work and he does it all for others. He does it for us, he does it for the children that need help and he does it for the Lord.
I think when I have though that I was not getting paid enough or when I have thought what will I get. It was all pretty selfish. I am watching a man go through life trusting God and being blessed. I hope his life will help me to have a better life.
Though my father-in-law gets little for what he does, he really has everything.
Oh by the way, Ream really does not want to spend the 2 months in Thailand to have the baby. So as we have tried our best to find a clinic that does epidurals here, we can't find any. Ream is going to do it naturally. I told her I cannot be in the room with her having so much pain and not being able to do anything about it. I am a wimp I know, but I do not like feeling powerless in situations like that. Mom and sisters will be there though and I will be close by for her if she really wants me.
There are so many things to say but you will have to check back next week or so.
Thank you for your interest, and God Bless.